NEMO Ocean Model Nowcast Framework
The NEMO_Nowcast package is a collection of Python modules that can be used to build a software system to run the NEMO ocean model in a daily nowcast/forecast mode. Such a system typically uses as-recent-as-available forcing data or model products for open boundary conditions, river run-off flows, and atmospheric forcing.
The runs are automated using an asynchronous, message-based architecture. The Salish Sea NEMO Nowcast system is one example of a system built on this framework. That system:
obtains the forcing datasets from web services
pre-processes the forcing datasets into the formats expected by NEMO
uploads the forcing dataset files to the HPC or cloud-computing facility where the run will be executed
executes the run
downloads the results
prepares a collection of plots from the run results for monitoring purposes
publishes the plots and the processing log to the web
to produce a daily nowcast and 2 forecasts of the state of the Salish Sea on the west coast of British Columbia.
The GoMSS Nowcast System is another example of a system built on this framework. It:
obtains the forcing and opern boundary conditions datasets from web services
pre-processes the forcing datasets into the formats expected by NEMO
executes the run
to produce daily nowcast runs that calculate the state of the Gulf of Maine and the Scotian Shelf on the east coast of Nova Scotia.
Documentation for the framework is in the docs/
directory and is rendered at
The NEMO_Nowcast framework code and documentation are copyright 2016 by Doug Latornell, 43ravens.
They are licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. Please see the LICENSE file for details of the license.
The fileutils module from the boltons project is included in the NEMO_Nowcast package. It is copyright 2013-2016 by Mahmoud Hashemi and used under the terms of the boltons BSD license.